GMS Slated to Exhibit at CIBTM in Beijing

This year’s China Incentive, Business Travel and Meetings Exhibition (CIBTM) is fast approaching. The leading international gathering of key event planning industry executives in Asia-Pacific will take place September 12 to 14, and GMS will be an exhibitor.


Our CEO, Hanson Ansary, had this to say about why GMS will be exhibiting in Beijing:

“Our focus is increasingly being shifted to Asia, where we see tremendous opportunities for our industry and our company. Many of our clients keep asking about Asia as their preferred destination for many of their upcoming incentive programs and corporate meetings.”

In a few years since its inception, CIBTM has quickly evolved in becoming the focal point of gathering for industry leaders from around the world with an interest in the Asia-Pacific region.

For our company, heading to Asia is like going back to our roots. GMS was established in 1998 as a leading event planning company in the Japan market. The sharp decline in the business from Japan on the heel of the country’s economic downturn forced GMS to seek opportunities elsewhere—namely, Europe. With the surge in economic activity in Asia—primarily in China and Southeast Asia—we are finding our way back to a region we know very well.

We’re excited to reconnect with previous clients and partners, and we can’t wait to meet many new ones this year at CIBTM in Beijing!